About Skywin

Our School

Welcome to Skywin

Skywin International School has started in 2021 at Nivrutti Nagar,C/O Maratha Seva Sangh, Jalgaon with 33 students. Today we have grown with near about 250+ students with standards Play Group to 6th Class.

 Our Mother Concern “Little Valley” was founded in 5th June 2012 at Kasoda with 4 class rooms and 23 students. Now it has grown with 800 students.

For development of students, we work with 5 pillars. Our pillars are Health, Emotions, Fast Learner, Wealth and Spirituality. These pillars allow students stand firmly in the society.

At SIS, we are creating leaders who will make India a developed nation and a large market for business.

Our Values

Our 5 Pillars

We are happy that you have chosen SIS to help educate your child to become a strong and sensitive citizen of the world, responsible to cultural values, art and ethics of our motherland.

Fast Learning
Fast Learning

Director’s Desk

Mr. Ashok P. Patil                                         


Nature has made this earth a very beautiful place and me as a part of this , our Skywin family and our Skywinners strive hard to make this mother earth more beautiful, by all means of Emotions, Health, Intelligence, Wealth and Spirituality.

निसर्गाने त्याच्यापरीने ही सृष्टी खूप सुंदर केली आहे, त्या सृष्टिचा एक घटक म्हणून, मी स्वतः, माझा SKYWIN परिवार आणि SKYWIN परिवारातील SKY WINNERS ही सृष्टी ‘अजून कशी सर्वांगाने म्हणजे आरोग्य, भावनिक, बौद्धिक, आर्थिक व अध्यात्मिक अंगांनी संपन्न कशी करता येईल यासाठीच प्रयत्न करत राहू

Regional Head

Mrs. Amruta S. Amalnerkar       


We cultivate the only thought of “Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam” We at Skywin, work with a moto of sculpting the generation which will make this mother earth prosperous, which will create a golden history of India again.

सृष्टी समृद्ध करण्यासाठी “वसुधैव कुटुंबकम” ही वैश्विक भावना जोपासणारी भारताचा सुवर्णम इतिहास निर्माण करणारी पिढी घडवायची आहे.